debconf template update
- To: Michael Bramer <>,, peter karlsson <>, Eugenia Franzoni <>, Akira YOSHIYAMA <>, Michael Sobolev <>, Vincent Renardias <>
- Cc:
- Subject: debconf template update
- From: Joey Hess <>
- Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 16:15:11 -0800
- Message-id: <[🔎]>
- Mail-followup-to: Michael Bramer <>,, peter karlsson <>, Eugenia Franzoni <>, Akira YOSHIYAMA <>, Michael Sobolev <>, Vincent Renardias <>,
[ Cc'd to debian-devel because this demonstrates a new feature that is
generally useful for anyone who uses debconf in a package and has
translated templates files. ]
Hi debconf templates translators. I have just completed a new version of
debconf-getlang that can check for fuzzy translations.
joey@gumdrop:~/debian/packages/debconf>./debconf-getlang --stats
de: 6 fuzzy translations, 2 untranslated strings
es: 2 translated strings, 6 fuzzy translations
fr: 7 translated strings, 1 fuzzy translations
it: 1 translated strings, 7 fuzzy translations
ja: 7 translated strings, 1 fuzzy translations
pl: 5 translated strings, 3 fuzzy translations
ru: 8 fuzzy translations
sv: 7 translated strings, 1 fuzzy translations
zh_cn: 2 translated strings, 6 fuzzy translations
zh_tw: 2 translated strings, 6 fuzzy translations
So looks like there is some work for you to do.. If you grab debconf
and debconf-utils 0.5.51 from incoming (or wait until they are installed
tomorrow), you can use debconf-getlang to generate new files for you to
translate, like this:
joey@gumdrop:~/debian/packages/debconf>./debconf-getlang de debian/templates debian/ |head -25
Template: debconf/frontend
Type: select
Choices: Slang, Text, Editor, Dialog, Noninteractive
Default: Slang
Description: What interface should be used for configuring packages?
Packages that use debconf for configuration share a common look and feel.
You can select the type of user interface they use.
The slang frontend provides a colorful, full-screen, character based
windowing interface, while the text frontend uses a more traditional plain
text interface. The editor frontend lets you configure things using your
favorite text editor. The noninteractive frontend never asks you any
Description-de-OLD: Welches Interface soll für die Konfiguration benutzt werden?
Pakete, die debconf zur Konfiguration benutzen, verwenden alle das gleiche
`look and feel'. Sie können das Interface hier auswählen.
Das slang Frontend bietet ein farbiges, bildschirmfüllendes,
zeichenbasiertes Interface. Während das text Frontend ein ehrer einfaches
traditionelles Textinterface ist. Das editor Frontend benutzt Ihren
bevorzugten Texteditor. Das noninteractive Frontend fragt Sie niemals eine
So in this exmaple, the Choices: field was never translated into German, and
needs to be, plus the English version of the Description field has changed
since it was translated, and the fuzzy translation is shown in the
Description-de-OLD field.
see shy jo
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