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Re: Security upgrade for potato by new major version and distro change?

>>"Elegant" == Elegant Dice <elegant_dice@yahoo.com> writes:

 Elegant> I'm sorry manoj, I don't agree with you there. Surely the maintainer is
 Elegant> there to ensure that the program in its existing state is packaged and
 Elegant> can be installed on a computer correctly, and to work as it should.
 Elegant> This means configuration issues should be a maintainer's biggest issue
 Elegant> they must deal with.

 Elegant> The debugging of a package's program is not solely the
 Elegant> responsibility of the maintainer, rather in the Linux(and
 Elegant> others)/GNU arena, the user is the one who takes
 Elegant> responsibility for the program's actual performance. If a
 Elegant> maintainer cannot debug a program, he can simply redirect
 Elegant> issues upstream.

	You have a strange view of the resposibilities of a Debian
 developer. Developers are far more than glorified packagers, they are
 responsible for ensuring that their packages fit policy (including
 ensuring the config files are looked for in /etc; closing any /tmp
 race bugs). 

	If you do not know the language your packages are coded in,
 you can't make improvements (you didn't just think we get towards the
 best possible distribution by merely packaging things, did you); you
 can't handle the bug reports, you can't even evaluate the patches
 submitted to you. And a cleless maintainer is no help for upstream. 

	Man, I would hate to have that package on my production

 feeling slightly insulted
 If he sees that by sacrificing a slight happiness he can obtain a
 greater happiness, then a wise man should sacrifice the lesser
 happiness with a view to the greater happiness. 290
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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