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Re: Migration to Pentium?

On 23-Jan-01, 15:32 (CST), Adrian Bunk <bunk@fs.tum.de> wrote: 
> Even if there isn't a generalspeedup, there's software that can be
> compiled with support for 3Dnow! or MMX and there already packages like
> libc6-i586 that are compiled optimized. I don't know if it's worth
> compiling the whole distribution optimized, but at least for some packages
> it is worth it.

Then perhaps those packages could to provide an extra-target in their
debian/rules file that detects if they are running on CPU that will
benefit special compile-time options and use those options for a 
new binary package. Giving it a general name such as "binary-opt" would
make using such a package fairly quick to acquire:

$ apt-get source foo
$ (cd foo-x.y; fakeroot debian/rules binary-opt)
$ sudo dpkg -i foo*.deb

(I would submit that if the supposed benefits of such a optimized build
don't justify the effort of typing three commands, then they *certainly*
don't justify the effort of maintaining a whole new distribution. :-))

Steve Greenland <stevegr@debian.org>
(Please do not CC me on mail sent to this list; I subscribe to and read
every list I post to.)

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