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Re: Secure apt-get

Previously Goswin Brederlow wrote:
> But how likely is a man in the middle attack anyway? Use switches and
> strict routing and theres hardly anyone in the middle. The data comes
> from your isp to your router to your system. If you don't trust your
> router, your fault. If you don't trust your ISP, bad.

There are lots of parties involved, not just your ISP, and things could
go wrong anywhere in the long chain that connects you to the download

It is also a misconception that switched traffic can not be sniffed
or manipulated, there are existing tools for especially that purpose.
> PS: Just because your paranoid doesn't mean they are not waiting for
> you outside.

Maybe not, but assuming the worst never hurts. Doing anything else makes
you an easy target.


 /       Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool     \
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