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Re: Solving the compression dilema when rsync-ing Debian versions

On Sun, Jan 14, 2001 at 01:51:02AM +0100, Goswin Brederlow <goswin.brederlow@student.uni-tuebingen.de> was heard to say:
> This forced flush happens at random places and not too often
> (increases linux.tar.gz by ~3%). The flush does not depend on the
> position but on the data compressed. So when two files match for a few
> K, they will both hit a flush at the same position. When the file is
> altered at the front gzip will still flush the dictionary at the same
> places at the end, so the files will match at the end.

  I suspect I'm missing something obvious..if I alter the first few bytes
of a long file, won't the flushes and dictionaries be out of sync for the
rest of the file?  (since the checksums will all be thrown off by those


/----------------- Daniel Burrows <Daniel_Burrows@brown.edu> -----------------\
|               I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not sure.                |
\------- (if (not (understand-this)) (go-to http://www.schemers.org)) --------/

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