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Re: Status of testing for non-us?

>>>>> "Brian" == Brian May <bam@debian.org> writes:

    Petr> Are you sure, that non-US doesn't have testing? I can see a
    Petr> testing -> woody symlink there and Packages are different
    Petr> also.

    Sam> Not very different.  Looks only like things that have had
    Sam> security updates applied.  I don't see an update excuses and
    Sam> I find it hard to believe that no new package has qualified
    Sam> to move into testing for non-us.

    Brian> My non-US packages (heimdal-* and libpam-heimdal) are
    Brian> listed in the update excuses file.  -- Brian May
    Brian> <bam@debian.org>

And so it is.  Hmm, I'm confused about how I missed that, as heimdal
was one of the packages I was checking for on a semi-daily basis.

It's still broken; it claims libpam-heimdal is 0/10 days old, which I
know to be wrong.  It also claims that openafs is 0/10 days old, also
very wrong.

(Unless this just started happening today)

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