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Re: Maintaing an aptable archive with a potato - woody mixture

On Tue, Oct 31, 2000 at 18:59:58 +0100 (+0000), Marc Haber wrote:
> If we didn't change much (for example, only a modified config file
> that is only relevant for new installs), our package has the same
> version
> number like the current Debian package, causing a new Debian release
> to
> override our package automatically.

Since maintainer uploads are:
and NMU uploads are:
how about doing a "mini-MNU":
This means:
  a) any new debian package will overwrite it
  b) it's not pretending to be the same version
  c) you can easily look for packages you made

> If we changed more (for example, fixing bugs that are present in the
> Debian package), our package has its debian-revision incremented. This
> way, a new debian revision shouldn't override our package, but a new
> upstream version will. I am not sure if this is desireable.

epochs?  Bump it by two to make sure?  Personally, I'd still do the thing
above as well.


Email: adrian.bridgett@iname.com
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