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Generic Data Structure Library in C

Dear All,

I've been developing small- and medium-sized programs in C for a while
and I found that I've been constantly reconstructing a similar set of
data structures. I tried to look around for some generic data structures
for C but couldn't find anything suitable. Of course I've browsed
through various academic textbooks like Weiss and Sahni, but they're
tailored more towards academic teaching rather than for efficient
generic software development. The nearest that I've come across is Dave
Hanson's "C Interfaces and Implementations".

I've also written programs in C++ and Java, and both (STL in C++ and
java.util.* in Java) have provided some fundamental and generic data
structures for programmers like vectors and maps. Since a lot of
programmers still develop software in C, I was thinking whether it is
feasible and helpful to develop a STL-like library in C.

I would like to hear your opinions.



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