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Re: boot-floppies -> unattended install

On Wed, 6 Dec 2000 01:16:00 +0000 (UTC),
jon@ai.mit.edu ("Jonathan D. Proulx") said:

    > Hi, rumor has it someone is working on an unattended install for
    > Debian similar to Solaris JumpStart ar RedHat KickStart.

I don't know if this is the rumor you heard or not, but we have an
auto-installer here at Progeny. There is no reason it can't exist
along-side the Debian installer.

With the auto-installer, you configure one machine, and use a GUI tool
(or edit the files yourself, they are human-readable) to set a few
things, such as network configuration (which can use DHCP or a table
of IP addresses). Then, you build a boot disk and put it in a new
computer, turn it on, and walk away. When you come back, getty or XDM
or whatever is waiting for you.

Also, our GUI interactive installer is built on top of that, and
there's no reason that can't coexist with the new Debian installer

The source to all this (except the GUI auto-installer configurator,
which isn't ready yet) will be available on Monday with Progeny Debian
Beta 2.

If you have any more questions, you may want to talk to
jlicquia@debian.org, who is the clever guy responsible for the

Eric Gillespie, Jr. <*> epg@progeny.com
Software Developer
Progeny Linux Systems - http://progeny.com

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