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Re: sawfish 0.33.1 broken?

Christian Marillat <marillat.christian@wanadoo.fr> wrote:
>>>>> "CW" == Colin Watson <cjw44@flatline.org.uk> writes:
>CW> I was redefining my root menu long before 0.33.1 by having a
>CW> .sawfish/menus.jl file and fiddling with some bindings in .sawfishrc
>CW> (essentially supplying my own top level to debian-menu.jl). I've
>CW> attached the relevant files in another post to this thread. It was a
>CW> *little* cumbersome, but certainly possible; perhaps with appropriate
>CW> hooks in the package we could have the best of both worlds.
>When I say impossible, I mean for a common user.

Ah, OK.

>I think this is more easy to add two lines in .sawfisrc than editing a
>menu.jl file.

So update-menus doesn't work out of the box for a user? (My sawfish
configuration is hacked around enough that I can't tell ...) I'd sort of
been thinking that it might be possible to have the default site-lisp
hook into what update-menus as a user generates - like what I do except
more cleanly. If I have time (ho ho) I'll look into it.

>Maybe I can put your files as a example for the next release ?

I've no problem with that, although I'm sure they could do with tidying
up quite a lot. I don't really put a lot of effort into afternoon hacks,
or my system would look a lot nicer. :)

Colin Watson                                     [cjw44@flatline.org.uk]

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