Re: What is a Kernel?
>>"Moshe" == Moshe Zadka <> writes:
Moshe> But we still don't have a /etc/alternatives-like interface to lilo.
Moshe> Think about it this way:
Moshe> kernel-2.2.17 provides kernel
Moshe> kernel-2.2.15 provides kernel
Moshe> I want to be able to switch kernels with update-alternatives.
Why does it have to be update alternatives? I have it sao that
I can change the default kernel by just moving a symlink around (ahnd
I guess I could script that too). Using grub/lilo allows for
this. What is the advantage that update-alternatives gives over the
current set up? (I have, incidentally, 7 possible kernel/OS
combination I can boot into)
Moshe> Of course, it will require a reboot -- but at least it doesn't
Moshe> require me to lie to the Debian packaging system.
I don't get this. Why does one have to lie to dpkg?
Moshe> And the next time a kernel will break pppd, it is possible to
Moshe> just have a Conflicts: ppd (<<2.2) or something, and apt will
Moshe> take care of it automatically.
And why can't we have a conflicts line in official images
right now, if the maintainer felt the need?
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