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Re: Misclassification of packages; "libs" and "doc" sections

On Mon, Oct 23, 2000 at 03:58:57AM +0200, Daniel Migowski <Mig-O@Mig-O.de> was heard to say:
> OK, here we go with a directed acycllic graph of package-classifications:

  In case anyone is interested, I'm reposting the suggestion I made two
years ago.  It probably needs tweaking, but it's some more ideas to throw
into the pot.  Probably could be modified to take advantage of the
proposed multiple inheritance.  I think it pretty well illustrates my
idea that the final hierarchy presented to the user should be fairly narrow,
if possible.

==================================  Cut here ===================================
  I would like to see something like the following (a rough sketch with some
examples for each category -- more categories should probably be added :) ):

    config/                <-------- linuxconf, dotfile-*
    debian/                <-------- dpkg, apt, menu
    misc/                  <-------- stuff that doesn't categorize well--
                                    eg, queue
    monitor/               <-------- acct, gtop (maybe, see below)
    network/               <-------- ipchains, etc.
    privileges/            <-------- makepasswd, sudo, secure-su
    security/              <-------- tripwire
  base <--- this is going to be problematic, perhaps it should not present in
           the classification of a package.  For example, ppp (as I noted above)
           really belongs in net.  On the other hand, many things in 'base' don't
	   classify well -- for example, base-files or ldso.
    binutils/              <-------- nasm, binutils, bin86
    buildtools/            <-------- make, autoconf
    compilers/             <-------- gcc, pgcc
    debian/                <-------- dpkg-dev, debhelper
    debug/                 <-------- gdb, ddd
    interpreters/          <-------- python, perl, guile, ucblogo

    emacs/                 <-------- emacsen
    misc/                  <-------- ummm, no candidates offhand :)
    programming/           <-------- Other editors primarily for programmers
                                    (jed, joe?..I mainly know emacs and vi but
				     I see other programmers' editors in my
				     package list :) )
    simple/                <-------- editors meant to be fairly simple
                                    (eg, gxedit)
    vi/                    <-------- vi-derived programs

    arcade/                <-------- xpilot, koules
    board/                 <-------- xboard
    misc/                  <-------- *hack
    puzzle/                <-------- gfpoken, etc
    quake/                 <-------- Crazy stuff from id
    tetrisesque/           <-------- *tris
    toys/                  <-------- cthuga, synaethesia, xteddy

    ftp/                   <-------- lftp, gftp, ncftp, ...
    irc/                   <-------- irc clients
    mail/  v------------------------ Notice the subnesting
      clients/             <-------- mutt. What else do you need? :)
      lists/               <-------- mailman, berolist
      misc/                <-------- fetchmail
      mtas/                <-------- exim, postfix (maybe name it 'servers')
    messaging/             <-------- ICQ, AIM, Linpopup, and Zephyr
      clients/             <-------- gnus, inn, whatever else there is
      misc/                <-------- fetchnews?
      servers/             <-------- [ I don't know about servers :) ]
    remote-shell/          <-------- rsh, ssh, and friends (there are some
                                    other programs in this area I think)
      browsers/            <-------- netscape, w3
      servers/             <-------- Roxen, apache
    base/                  <-------- Really core x11 stuff: xauth,
                                    /etc/X11/Xsession,.   Maybe base/x11?
    display-managers/      <-------- gdm, xdm, kdm, wdm
    misc/                  <-------- xtartan, xplanet (maybe in games/misc
                                                       or games/toys),
    server/                <-------- xserver-*, xvfb
    terminals/             <-------- xterm, Eterm, gnome-terminal
    window-managers/       <-------- wmaker.


/----------------- Daniel Burrows <Daniel_Burrows@brown.edu> -----------------\
|                The only thing worse than infinite recursion                 |
|                is infinite recursion.                                       |
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