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Re: Proposed: task-secure-system package

On 2000-10-21 06:00, Brian May wrote:
>    Russell> No.  I like to have ssh as root enabled so that I can
>    Russell> login directly to do regular maintenance tasks with
>    Russell> minimum stuffing around.  Doing the "enter password to su
>    Russell> to root" thing works if you run one or two machines.  But
>    Russell> if you run 50 machines it's ridiculous to consider such
>    Russell> things.
>I happen to agree with Russell here. Or, rather, it is a compromise
>between two risks:
>a) that after entering your password each time, for 50 machines,
>somebody happens to observe it being entered on the 26th time, and can
>re-enter it; or you write the password down (how do you remember 50
>different passwords otherwise?). If the password is stolen (eg.
>remote system is compromised), it is much more serious if you use the
>same password for every system.
>b) that your private key gets stolen AND a dictionary attack reveals
>your password. (As, using ssh-agent, you only need to enter the
>password once, the points in (a) do not apply).

The real problem with B is that your colleagues may use private keys without 
pass-phrases and leave them in insecure locations where they can easily be 
But these are the same people who write down the root password and leave it 
on their desks...

>b+c) problem here is that some
>trojan-horse-disguised-as-netscape-version-7 could automatically
>invoke "ssh -lroot remote.system rm -rf /", but I think this might be
>getting a bit paranoid. I wonder if you would be able to use
>capabilities to limit these privileges (whether ssh-agent or Kerberos
>ticket) to designated processes?

I have been considering creating a rjc-insec account with ssh setup to allow 
RSA logins from my main rjc account.  Then I could have a netscape icon spawn:
ssh rjc-index@localhost netscape

>c) accessing a remote system via an untrusted system is only a problem
>up to the expiry time on the Kerberos ticket... Just as long as you trust
>the initial kinit process with your password.
>I think that is a mostly unbiased representation...

Kerberos would be the best solution for large scale environments.  However 
large environments generally have crappy commercial software which makes such 
an installation difficult and expensive.

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