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New devfs compatible version of rdev

I have written a new version of the "rdev" program that will work with devfs. 
Here are the new features:
1) Searches all directories under /dev for file systems.
2) Ignores links so it'll get the real device not /dev/root all the time.
3) Allows specifying the root and swap devices by number or by name (works 
when you create a kernel for a SCSI machine on an IDE machine when using 
4) Allows specifying an absolute position instead of the silly offset for 
entering values.  The offset is a PITA on the rare occasions that you need it 
(and I am considering removing it altogether).

The URL for source, man page, and binary is:

I have sent this message to the Debian Developers (who make a good group of 
beta testers and who will also be interested in the impact on other parts of 
the system), Richard Gooch (devfs author), Tom Lees (devfsd package 
maintainer), and Vincent Renardias (util-linux package maintainer).  When 
following up to this message please remove any people from the CC list that 
you think won't be interested.

I would like to see my code replace the rdev code in util-linux.  I believe 
that my code does everything the old code usefully does, does it better, and 
has more functionality.

I look forward to receiving comments.

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