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Re: New libc6 breaks exim? (cyrus too?)

Can anyone confirm that Cyrus is being affected by this problem as well?
I had to copy libdb.so.3 over from a non-updated machine to get my mail
system working again (exim was fixed by a new package earlier today).
Here is a log excerpt from before I copied the old library over.

2000-09-27 17:39:17 13eOsn-00003q-00 <ophelan@flux.tripixel.net>:
local_delivery_cyrus transport output: /usr/sbin/cyrdeliver:
/usr/lib/libdb.so.3: no version information available (required by

Also, there is currently a peculiar error with it remaining: The
incoming mail fails and is frozen, but an 'exim -qff' queue run
processes all mail with no problem. Any ideas as to what could be
causing this with relation to the shared library problems of recent? Log
excerpt follows:

2000-09-27 18:20:27 13ePYx-0000Ck-00 <=
H=murphy.debian.org [] P=smtp S=1864
2000-09-27 18:20:27 13ePYx-0000Ck-00 Unable to get root to set uid 102
and gid 8 for local delivery to ophelan: uid=8 euid=8
2000-09-27 18:20:27 13ePYx-0000Ck-00 == ophelan@flux.tripixel.net
<merlin@ophelan.com> T=local_delivery_cyrus defer (-1): pipe transport
process returned non-zero status 0x0100: exit code 1
2000-09-27 18:20:27 13ePYx-0000Ck-00 Frozen
2000-09-27 18:29:42 Start queue run: pid=807 -qff
2000-09-27 18:29:42 13ePcV-0000Cn-00 Completed
2000-09-27 18:29:42 13ePYx-0000Ck-00 Unfrozen by forced delivery
2000-09-27 18:29:42 13ePYx-0000Ck-00 => ophelan <merlin@ophelan.com>
D=local_user_cyrus T=local_delivery_cyrus
2000-09-27 18:29:42 End queue run: pid=807 -qff

Thanks, Daniel

# Daniel Whelan          Code Monkey, TriPixel Inc.
# merlin@ophelan.com     http://www.tripixel.net
# "Life's not fair, but the root password helps."

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