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Re: kernel-image and epoch

On Thu, Sep 21, 2000 at 01:23:48PM +0200, Santiago Vila wrote:
> Actually, it's in the packaging manual:
>    Note that the purpose of epochs is to allow us to leave behind
>    mistakes in version numbering, and to cope with situations where the
>    version numbering changes. It is not there to cope with version
>    numbers containing strings of letters which dpkg cannot interpret
>    (such as ALPHA or pre-), [...]

Well let's just say that I don't particularly agree with this passage.
Epochs are not evil, they're just part of the version numbers.

> If you have to package something which is version "X" pre, using
> something like "X-0.1.pre" as the version number is much better than
> using "Xpre-1" and then having to use an epoch for 1:X-1.

This is a matter of opinion.  There is no technical difference.
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