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Lyx 1.1.5fix1 debs, please test

Hullo to all debian-using lyx developers (and, symettrically, all
lyx-using debian developers)!

At last there are some very overdue lyx packages at

I put these up for testing since it's my first lyx upload and I may
have done something catastrophically foolish ;-) The packages are
signed, and depending on whether I get any feedback (and whether it's
positive!) I will simply copy them over to incoming in a few
days. There's no orig.tar.gx there, simply grab that from www.lyx.org
if you want it (and rename it appropriately).



Jules Bean                          |        Any sufficiently advanced 
jules@debian.org                    |  technology is indistinguishable
jules@jellybean.co.uk               |               from a perl script

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