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Re: keyserver for debian keys at keyring.debian.org

On Thu, Aug 03, 2000 at 12:28:11PM +1000, Brian May wrote:
>Previously, I wrote to keyring-maint@debian.org to upgrade my PGP
>key with a GPG key. So far, I have not got any response.

Your key was received, but had not at the time been added into the
master keyrings.  Since `keyring-maint' is really a person, it can
occasionally take time for updates to be processed.

NOTE:  Anyone who has recently sent a simple update (as opposed to a new
or deleted key) to keyring-maint should resend it via the keyserver.

A number of new keys were incorporated today (including yours Brian),
see /org/keyring.debian.org/changelog on auric.d.o:

  1024D/00530C24 Brian May <bam@debian.org>
  1024D/96552D63 Tapio J.  Lehtonen (Espoo Finland) <Tapio.Lehtonen@IKI.FI>
  1024D/9823336C Jim Westveer (jwest) <jwest@debian.org>
  1024D/85417161 Joost Kooij <joost@kooij.com>
  1024D/C08C5275 Malc Arnold <malc@thing.demon.co.uk>
  1024D/C66582CE Nils Rennebarth <nils@debian.org>
  1024D/82EA653E Anselm Lingnau <lingnau@tm.informatik.uni-frankfurt.de>
  1024D/086C8803 Michel LESPINASSE
  1024D/C09FD35A Andreas Tille (Debian Maintainer Key) <tille@debian.org>

>I tried using a similar procedure to upload my GPG key, signed by my
>old PGP key. This displayed a message that the operation was

The keyserver accepts anything which looks like a public key and queues
it.  Those incoming keys are then processed asynchronously (every 15
mins), at which point it may or may not be accepted.

The `successful operation' message from gpg merely indicates that it was
able to successfully send the key(s) to the server and received a `200'
response message.

Brendan O'Dea                                        bod@compusol.com.au
Compusol Pty. Limited                  (NSW, Australia)  +61 2 9809 0133

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