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Re: About VICE

On Mon, Jul 24, 2000 at 10:53:01PM -0500, Zed Pobre wrote:

>     I was planning to take over this package from him.  He more or
> less orphaned it, and it was supposed to become my responsibility, but
> I ended up getting busy personally before I finished trying to get
> distribution permission for the ROMs.  I *did* track down who owns the
> rights to them (Tulip, in the Netherlands).  I hadn't yet found out if
> they know they own the rights to them.  I was in the process of
> drafting letters to them when my life got complicated again.

Oh, I'm very happy to hear you. I was thinking about the problem of rom
distributions and it's hard to solve. Did you write in vice-devel list?
In the past they talked about using an assembler and a debugger instead of
roms. I was to do it, but now I think it's better that you work on it.

>     The previous mechanism was to create a downloader program that
> went to a known location for the ROM images and downloaded them.  The
> previous version stopped working, and I considered it a horrible idea
> to build a package that will break on new installs every time a remote
> site changes its layout.  I *did* in fact create a vice-roms package,
> but I can't upload it without opening a legal can of worms.

Uhm uhm, I understand. Install with download is bad even if in some
situation you cannot avoid it. If Tulip could change this situation...

>     It needs to be removed completely.  I believe that the source
> package is simply the upstream source package, and actually contains
> ROM images, though the binary package does not.

Thanks for your clarification. Naturally I won't make a vice package and I
hope you can solve as many problems as possible about it. Good work!


| Christian Surchi           | www.firenze.linux.it/~csurchi    | www. |       
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In the long run, every program becomes rococco, and then rubble.
		-- Alan Perlis

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