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[gnome] Re: The GNOME community appreciates what red Hat is doing

This here presents IMHO a good argument for shipping a distribution
with software versions which are not considered obsolete by it's
upstream maintainers.

--- Begin Message ---
> Miguel's remarks, if not joking, are not appropriate. Miguel should apologize to
> Red Hat.  Even though Miguel is the project leader, he is clearly wrong in the
> remarks.  

First of all, I really regret that LWN posted such a limited
explanation of what I said on my 90 minute talk.  90 minutes reduced
to three paragraphs;  And those three paragraphs later reduced to 4
lines in slashdot.  My talk criticized everything I possibly could in
Unix in my time slot, while still trying to make a point.

I said something among the lines of "Unix has issues, and I am going to
show how the GNOME project is addressing those issues;  before I
begin, you might be thinking `But GNOME sucks', please do not judge
GNOME by the GNOME shipped in Red Hat, as it sucks.  Pretty much
everyone is using an old GNOME, including SuSE".

Now, sit down for a minute, look at the GNOME in Red Hat 6.2 and
answer this question "Does it suck? [Y/N]".  Think about this.

I hope you are still following me, and you selected "Y" as your answer
above.  Now, I am going to ask another question "Is it Red Hat's
fault? [Y/N]".  The answer is obviously no (of course, it could be
argued that they could have released 6.3, yada yada yada blah blah).

I walk around conferences and I see SuSE machines, Red Hat machines
and some Mandrake machines and they have this ugly looking GNOME that
embarasses me.  It is just embarassing how old and ugly it is. 

I want people to switch over to GNOME 1.2, and Mandrake, LinuxPPC,
HispaFuentes and a few others have made the jump.  I want people to
judge the looks of GNOME from what we have now, not what was packaged
a long time ago.


gnome-list mailing list

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