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Re: A 'diff' eq for binaries?

Hi Ben,

The subject of patching .debs has come up again, and this time I have a 
new solution to the problem.  Xdelta 2.0-BETA has been released for about
a month now.  See:


The new system is ideally suited to .deb distribution.  The delta-compressed 
storage management provided by Xdelta 2.0 automatically compresses multiple
versions of a file using deltas, but it also can extract a delta between
arbitrary versions.  This allows a server process to generate exactly the
delta needed by a client on-the-fly, without storing all ("*EVERY*") delta

I'm currently looking for developers interested in using this.


> >>>>> "Pavel" == Pavel M Penev <kal_pav@sz.techno-link.com> writes:
> Pavel> 10X a lot. My idea it to ask you if you are plannig to use     
> Pavel> it for upgrading .deb-s.
> There have been a few attempts to do this in the past; the main
> problem is that if you use xdeltas, you have to provide an xdelta between 
> *EVERY* prior version and the current version, or else
> they still have to download the entire .deb over again.
> Ben
> -- 
> Brought to you by the letters Z and W and the number 10.
> "I don't want the world.. I just want your half."
> Debian GNU/Linux maintainer of Gimp and GTK+ -- http://www.debian.org/

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