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Re: eliminating -source packages

Previously Nicol?s Lichtmaier wrote:
>  I think users should be able to work with sources in any machine they don't
> have the root password (e.g: master).


>  I define the idea of a "source repository" as a simple dir with some kind
> of control meta-data (a file?). Standing in this dir you could install
> source packages to it (unpacked as subdirs), and the repository would be
> self consistent (with depends). As the depends will have to be fulfilled,
> packages can rely on accessing ../<other-package> .

Hmm, I tend to use a subdirectory for each package, which in turn includes
the sources for the different versions. I tend to have the last couple of
versions for all packages installed and putting them all in the same
directory produces a bit too much clutter for my taste.

This gives paths like vim/vim56, vim/vim57, modutils/modutils-2.3.11, etc.


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