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Re: WNPP requests

On Tue, May 30, 2000 at 07:11:35PM -0700, Carl B. Constantine wrote:
> How long does it take for the WNPP request to go through? The orphaned
> section doesn't mention to contact the person listed for said packages,
> but should I?

If you wish to take an orphaned package, tell the maintainer and the WNPP,
and, most importantly, upload the changed package. I thought it's spelled
out someplace in the docs...

WNPP regularly gets mail from lots of prospective developers who wish to
adopt stuff. Problem is, that their wishes might not come true until they
become official developers, so it's kind-of pointless to remove an entry for
an orphaned package in WNPP until it is actually adopted, because then we
then get wannabe-adopted packages that just rot in the archive indefinitely
(or at least the new person becomes a maintainer).

Digital Electronic Being Intended for Assassination and Nullification

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