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esound up for adoption

I'm going to try to give esound away again :)  It needs a responsible
maintainer, as all of GNOME is dependent on it, slight screwups affect
a lot.  It isn't really maintained upstream anymore, the GNOME people
do some maintaince on it though.  The author is busy with real life concerns
and doesn't work on esound much, but is alive and does work on it a little
(his last commit - to the changelog at least - was in march).  It's definately
not bug-free, but nothing show-stopping (anymore).  It uses a slightly
complicated setup to faciliate normal and alsa versions, this is definately
not a beginner's package.  
If I haven't scared you off yet, email me.  If I don't hear anything back
in a week or two I'll orphan the package.

Brian M. Almeida
Linux Systems Engineer |  http://www.winstar.com | balmeida@winstar.com
Debian Developer       |  http://www.debian.org  | bma@debian.org
NSA plutonium Serbian SCUD missile bomb CIA Qaddafi PLO Semtex SDI Waco, Texas
Legion of Doom genetic counter-intelligence Rule Psix Peking bomb Delta Force
fissionable Kibo 

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