coupe things RedHat does well and Debian should too
I playd recently with RadHat and observed a couple of nice features that
Debian should implement as well.
One thing is pam_console module that allows to change some file ownership
and permission for users logged in from console. It can be used to enable
access to removable media and audio. Ohterwise you either have to give
access to everybody at once ar to root only.
There is also an interesting "consoletool" wrapper that allows to run
certain programs only by console users (and also can replace suid bit for
those programs, and asks for a password). But it is probably less useful
that the pam_console.
The second feature is pam_xauth module that is used to pass xauth keys
when duing su. Very convenient. Recall how often we get questions about X
connection refused after su.
It would be very nice to incorporate those two modules into the default
debian configuration. Any takers ?
(I'm not a debian developer myself)
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