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Re: Bug#60753: mutt: /etc/Muttrc should not use colors

On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 09:04:24PM -0300, Nicolás Lichtmaier wrote:
> Up and down arrow keys doesn't scroll a message ap & down?

Nope. But that's the way it is in slrn, too: backspace and enter scroll the
message text, and uparrow and downarrow scroll the message list.

It's good once you get used to it, and that takes about five minutes. :)

> Pg-down advancing to next message?

No, pgdn goes page down in the message text, and if it reaches the end, it
goes on to the next message. Once again, similar to slrn, where space
scrolls one page down in the message text, and if it reaches the end, asks
you to proceed to the next message with another space.

>  The key binding are so insame that prevent people (newbies) fom using
> mutt, they first must to learn how to change those defaults to something
> acceptable.

IME it's completely the other way round: they like the mutt keybindings

enJoy -*/\*- don't even try to pronounce my first name

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