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Re: Scary bugs

Henrique M Holschuh <hmh+debianml@rcm.org.br>:

> 3. --systohc on shutdown (without --adjust, and with --hctosys on startup)
>    is needed to allow users to use the "one clock" approach. It is also
>    needed for correct NTP operation. It is probably desired by anyone using
>    ntpdate as well.

My experience was that NTP did not work until I edited hwclock.sh to
remove the --systohc.

I also found the --systohc rather annoying when I wasn't using NTP: it
caused the clock to drift much faster than it used to.

I think the --systohc was introduced in Debian 2.1; Debian 2.0 didn't
have it, and my clock was fairly reliable then ...

(My machine is shut down about dozen times a week. The hardware clock
is quite accurate; the system clock is very inaccurate. I'm connected
to the Internet every day, but not always for long enough for NTP to
synchronise itself. I don't want the hardware clock to be adjusted
unless the system clock has been set by NTP. As I understand it, NTP
causes the hardware clock to be adjusted anyway, so --systohc is
unnecessary. I don't think my situation is unique. Other Debian users
I know have had to comment out the --systohc in hwclock.sh in order to
achieve sane time-keeping ...)


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