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Re: Community membership

On Jan 29, Glenn McGrath wrote:
> Broadening the membership base to draw in people other than
> coders/packagers could help to give debian a better perspective on what
> issues need to be resolved in a "newbies" eyes, which could help to make
> it a more widespread/better product.
> Developers and communitity members wouldnt have to be "equals"
> Wether its worthwile to do this would depend on how hard it is to
> implement, but everyone can contribute in there own way.

At some level, the debian-user list functions as a community for
Debian.  Some non-developers have also been working on user-oriented
projects like I18N on the web pages.  And non-developers are welcome
to participate in -devel and virtually all of the other mailing lists.

However, I do think Debian could devote some additional "official"
resources to supporting the Debian community, which does include a lot
of people w/o @debian.org addresses.  I just can't see [yet] what form
this community should take...

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