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Re: INN packages

Hi Bdale.

Two things:

1. Are you using the 2.2 stable tarball or the stable cvs
   snapshot? Mind the difference! (inn-comitters is worth
   a lot)

2. You did not really give me the feel you were following
   inn-workers anything near closely the last months, sorry.
   I may be wrong here, I now know. However, Marco is just
   about right citing Russ Albery.
   It would not be nice of me asking you evil questions on
   INN 2.3 (CVS), I know. ;-) I have one 1.7.2 server in
   place, two 2.2 (old CVS snapshots, not even stable) and
   one is CVS-current. Don't tell me about INN development.

You wrote:
> If there were some easy way to have the primary inn packages for potato be
> the 2.2.2 packages, and to continue to have 1.7.2 available as inn1 or 
> something like that, I'd be somewhat happier... but our packaging system
> would not handle this idea very gracefully.

inn1 replaces inn, one upload of the old inn as inn1 and
then some provides stuff?

unfortunately having 4 servers under his wings, some of them
even quite high in *spit* freenix *spit* and carrying those
hierarches that shall not be named and glad about not being
the control sending guy for de.* anymore... *sigh*


Wie wichtig ist das Telefonat jetzt? Mein Schwager kommt in einer halben
Stunde und ich muß hier noch ein paar Dinge beiseite räumen.
-- Michael Thies <michael@thies.org> beim "Aufräumen" <eg>
Alexander Koch - <>< - WWJD - aka Efraim - PGP 0xE7694969 - ARGH-RIPE

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