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Re: linking binfmt_misc with mime-types

On Wed, 6 Oct 1999, Brian May wrote:


> - The information it proprietary, and not used anywhere else.

That's true...
> - I am not very familar with the operating system, so there might
> be more points that I have missed. Perhaps there are difficulties
> loading a file for one application inside another application?

This isn't a problem. There are two different values here; creator and
the filetype.

> - AFAIK, Macintosh doesn't really store "file type" but rather "which
> application is this file associated with". So if you have multiple
> programs that deal with the same file type, the file has to be
> associated with *exactly one* application. (not sure about this)

Sort of, yes. You associate the type with one program, which will be the
default program to open if you double-click on such a file. This won't
influence the possibility to edit the file in another program, however.
> - just curious: what other times do you need to change this file type?

The time is stored in the resource-fork on the Mac, and sometimes it gets
screwed (programs that can't transfer dual/multi forked programs over the
net properly, etc.)


/David Weinehall
  _                                                                 _ 
 // David Weinehall <tao@acc.umu.se> /> Northern lights wander      \\
//  Project MCA Linux hacker        //  Dance across the winter sky // 
\>  http://www.acc.umu.se/~tao/    </   Full colour fire           </ 

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