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RE: Packages should not Conflict on the basis of duplicate functionality

On Sun, 3 Oct 1999, Terry Katz wrote:

> Why not implement a system similar to that in Irix ( and a few other sysv
> style systems ), and use a 'chkconfig' type setup..
> Irix implements it with a config directory (/etc/config), which contains
> files with the same name as the init script or app, and contains a single
> word .. 'on' or 'off' ..
> so, you can issue:
> chkconfig postgresql on
> /etc/init.d/postgresql start
> chkconfig postgresql off

This is possibly a good idea.  However, if you're gonna be doing this, why
not just remove the symlink from /etc/rc2.d?  When you want the daemon
back recreate the symlink.  I'm under the impression that package updates
would recreate this link, so maybe that wouldn't work very well.

> The modifications to add this to the distribution shouldn't be that
> difficult .. the chkconfig (or whatever you want to call it) script can be
> used to both test for and set the options..
> chkconfig [<app> [on/off]] .. leave off the last parameter to check for the
> status inside an init.d script and start based on that .. (leave off second
> parameter to see a complete list of whats on/off)
> The initial change to add this to the init scripts could take a while
> (although its simple to just add it to the beginning of the init scripts,
> and just exit if the config is off), but once its implemented it would be a
> nice tool.. no?  (every now and again it would be nice to be able to
> chkconfig gdm off, and/or chkconfig network off, etc...)

How is "chkconfig network off" any better/easier than "/etc/init.d/network
stop" (aside from the fact it won't get restarted when you reboot)?  I 
thought that's what different runlevels were for, having different daemons
started when you boot.  Maybe I'm just thinking that mucking with
/etc/rcS.d/ as easy enough, but I suppose a chkconfig would be easier for
those less familiar with the init system.

I don't like the idea of adding this check to each init script.  Wouldn't
it be better to add this check to /etc/init.d/rcS when it goes through the
/etc/rcS.d/S??* scripts (since the chkconfig parameter has the same name
as the init script minus the S??)?


Rick (rick@chillin.org)

"As long as you want to live, everywhere will become heaven.
Isn't that right?  Because you are still alive.
The chance to achieve happiness, you can find it anywhere."
Yui Ikari
Neon Genesis Evangelion, "The End Of Evangelion"

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