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Re: Dangerous precedent being set - possible serious violation of the GPL

On Thu, Dec 09, 1999 at 01:28:21PM +0100, Tomasz Wegrzanowski wrote:
> > 8. we *have* good GUIs.
> > 
> > the fact that they may not be the same kind of GUI that your Joe
> > Winidiot might choose to use is irrelevant. our needs are different to
> > Mr JW.  Hell, our needs are different from each others which is why we
> > have dozens of window managers and several GUIs to choose from.
> If you name GUI xwm, then yes.
> If you name GUI the whole desktop, then no.

you're making the mistake of assuming that JW's needs are the only
yardstick for measuring "good". my point was that what JW wants may be
good for him, but bad for me. what i want is good for me, but probably
bad for JW.

from my POV, we have good GUIs because they meet my needs. i want
something simple and fast with programmable menus that lets me have lots
of xterms and a web browser and (occasionally) a game or a spreadsheet
or CD player or whatever without getting in my way or slowing me down
or forcing me to take my hands off the keyboard. i specifically do not
want drag and drop, or a pretty file browser, animations, dancing sheep,
cpu-burning screen savers or any of the other crap that the JW's of this
world think are essential.

(i'm sure all those things exist for linux. that's fine, somebody must
like them or need them. but i don't like them, need them, or want them)

so who is right?  me or JW?

we both are. what i want is good for me. if JW likes it too, then that's
good. if not, then he can probably find something he does like. if he
doesn't, i really do not give a damn.

> Someday we will have to make moron-installable distro.


that's a serious question, btw.  why will we have to do that?  what benefit
is there to us in doing that?


craig sanders

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