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intent to package links

...or more precisely it is already packaged, but I'm waiting
for my pending debian maintaner application.

links is a lynx-alike textmode browser but rendering tables
correctly (very unlike lynx), handling colors, async dns
resolver, background downloads and more. The program is GPL,
and still in evolution.

Until then the packages are available for your pleasure at
ftp://yikes.tolna.net/pub/linux/release/ as links_*


pub  1024D/6592813D 1999-11-03 Peter Gervai <grin@tolna.net>
     Key fingerprint = 8AF7 0C62 FB01 6675 48E7  FBA4 A714 3B70 6592 813D
(old rsa:)
pub  1024R/B0138129 1995-05-30 Peter Gervai <grin@tolna.net>
     Key fingerprint = 2B B9 5C 99 7E 4A 2A 15  B2 E9 21 E3 6F 5C E0 B4

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