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Re: Must orphan my packages due to time constraints.

>>>>> "Joey" == Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org> writes:

    Joey> Karl M. Hegbloom wrote:
    >> Please take all of my packages.  I'll pick back up later on,
    >> after college gets going if there's time for it, or after
    >> college.  Yous know the routine.

    Joey> Karl's packages are:

    Joey> rel browser-history cvsweb cgiwrap gambc procmail-lib
    Joey> guile1.3-doc guile-scsh scsh

    Joey> Karl, I'd like to take cvsweb, I use it on a daily basis.

 Cool.  It's in good hands then.  And you've a paying job doing it.  I
 REALLY would love that, but FIRST, I need to get a CS degree.

 I'm going to work as a cook at a Red Robin part time for a while, and
 later on, after I start college, will be doing a work-study job here
 at PSU.  It doesn't pay real well, but I can do it in my sleep.  When
 I'm not at work, I need to be reading reading reading reading.

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