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Must orphan my packages due to time constraints.

 I will not have time for Debian package maintaining over the next few
 whiles...  How long that will be, I don't know.

 I am working on getting out of default on some old student loans I
 took out when I attended a Culinary academy, so that I can get
 financial aid again.  I plan to enter the CS program here at Portland
 State University as soon as possible.  Obviously then I will need to
 spend time on homework and studies.  I plan to get good grades.  I
 will use Debian GNU/Linux for all of my assignments and projects.  As
 much as possible that's where my focus will be.  After four years of
 home-study, I can see there's no way out but through a computer
 science program at a university.  I need to spend less time in the
 mailbox and tinkering around and more time in the books.

 Until then, I've got to come up with some cash to buy a few things I
 need, so I'll be working full time and even a second job part time
 for a while.

 Please take all of my packages.  I'll pick back up later on, after
 college gets going if there's time for it, or after college.  Yous
 know the routine.

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