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Re: Whom the BIND newest vulnerability concerns?

On Tue, Nov 16, 1999 at 11:55:47AM +0100, Russell Coker wrote:
> To do this properly you should kill the daemon as the user it runs under.  So
> to stop the LDAP server you would do:
> sudo -u ldap kill `cat /var/run/slapd.pid`

Not if there daemons that are running as root and writing pid files to

> Also keep in mind that only group daemon can create a PID file.  So an
> average user won't be able to create one unless they subvert a daemon.

Yes, but the whole point of the group daemon is to limit the damage if one of
them is compromised.  Now if that was the goal, I don't why won't you just go
that one step further and use subdirectories so that when of them is cracked,
the cracker doesn't get to write pid files.

> We can't make it absolutely impossible for a misconfigured system to be
> broken.  We can't make it impossible for a buggy program to be exploited to
> the disadvantage of the administrator.  But we can make it a lot harder for
> bad users without expending too much effort.  I believe that my proposal
> achieves those aims.

Of course not, but when there's something as simple as creating subdirectories
which will buy you a little extra safety, why not use it.
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