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On Mon, Nov 08, 1999 at 02:40:47PM -0800, David Bristel wrote:
> On this issue, couldn't re release Debian 2.2 for PowerPC after x86?  We
> shouldn't need to hold back the release of any one platform because another
> isn't ready yet.  This WOULD cause some confusion, but there have been major lib
> differences between platforms before.  From what I remember, the Sparc dist was
> up at glibc 2.0 well before x86 was.

PowerPC is NOT holding up potato.  There have only recently appeared some
x86 boot-floppies developers in the effort.  All previous work on the
new boot-floppies was done by porters (including generic fixes for potato
and 2.2 kernels).  

The delay is caused by the introduction of a new upstream busybox, the
commitment to include dhcp and ftp/http install support, and the new
task installation scheme.  Hardly reason to punish the more or less
complete PowerPC port which has had test potato boot-floppies images
available long before x86 ever has.

Any new x86-only release based on the old boot-floppies should NOT be 2.2
but rather Joey's proposed major slink update.

Matt Porter
This is Linux Country. On a quiet night, you can hear Windows reboot.

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