Re: Source packages generating non-free and free binary packages (was: Re: [Debian Installer <>] Reminder: imagemagick_4.2.9-1_i386.changes was rejected)
Philippe Troin <> writes:
> Goswin Brederlow <> writes:
> > You put the source to non-free and it generates a non-free and a main
> > binary package. No source duplication, no policy or law violation.
> Can a package in main have its source in non-free ?
Hmm, sorry, can´t be. GPL forbids that. If it where non-US it would be
Can you put the LZW stuff into a library and write a small dummy
wraper for main (just like the svga_dummy lib). People can then
replace the dummy lib with the nonfree lib if needed.
That way you would have a complete free source plus a small non-free
Maybe that would be alright.
May the Source be with you.
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