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Re: kernel problem: Booting with initrd and init fails

On Mon, Oct 25, 1999 at 11:36:42PM +0200, Goswin Brederlow wrote:
> > > That should load a ramdisk during boot but startx /bin/ash instead of
> > > /sbin/init or /linuxrc. Instead it will startx /linuxrc and if that
> > > and /sbin/init are missing it tries to remount / as specified in the
> > > kernel.
> It is and it isn't. If lilo/grub/linload/syslinux sees a initrd=<file>
> (and possible load_ramdisk=1) it will load that as an initial
> ramdisk. The kernel then detects that ramdisk and boots from that
> ignoring its internal "root=" setting for the moment. If the ramdisk
> holds a /linuxrc that gets executed and then the kernel will mount the 
> device named in /proc/sys/kernel/real_root_device, which is the device 
> used as root when compileing the kernel (normaly) but can be
> overwritten in the /linuxrc.

Well, you've just said it yourself.  Before the real root is mounted, the
piece of code that executes init= is never run.  So all you get is /linuxrc.
So if you want to get a shell at that point link it to linuxrc.
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Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmV>HI~} <herbert@gondor.apana.org.au>
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