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RE: apt-move

On 21-Oct-99 Carlos Barros wrote:
> I realize that apt-move could be a wonderfull tool. Now I have a local
> mirror of potato/{i386,all,sparc}/{main,contrib,non-free}

I have been using it for quite a now, with potato/i386/main&contrib&non-free.  
> As the configuration says, only one arch support.
> If I run apt-move, does it delete the other arch( eg: sparc if i select
> i386)? 

I haven't ever tried a different arch; why not back up your current arch, try
it, and see what happens?  If does wipe out your other arch (I'm 90% sure it
won't), comment out the line in apt-move that does that.

> Is there a way to tell apt-move to support 2 archs?

Not currently (according to the man page; haven't bothered looking at the shell

Apt-move is just a shell script that uses rsync, so you could modify it to
allow multiple archs, and possibly multiple dists (unstable, frozen, main).

I've Cc'd this to the apt-move maintainer, as well as the author.



Wim Kerkhoff              

spagmumps, n.:
        Any of the millions of Styrofoam wads that accompany mail-order items.
                -- "Sniglets", Rich Hall & Friends

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