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Re: fwd: [tomsrtbt] More "Tom doesn't like .RPM _or_ .DEB"

In article <[🔎] 19991015134814.G29188@lappy.djj.state.va.us> you write:
>On Fri, Oct 15, 1999 at 08:09:30PM +0300, Teemu Hukkanen wrote:
>>>From tomsrtbt mailing-list
>Who cares what he likes or doesn't like?

I have no idea why this was forwarded to debian-devel; but on the tomsrtbt
mailing list we care what Tom Oehser likes because he is the compiler of an
extremely high quality rescue floppy (which the list is about).

In particular, it would be nice if Tom's rescue disc could pick apart
.debs and .rpms. RPM is basically a lost cause, but .debs look feasible;
in particular, if the outer file was a tarfile and not an arfile it would
be trivial (yes, I know that normally one should always use the Debian
tools because the format of a .deb may change, but this is not really an
option on a rescue disc), hence Tom's annoyance.

David/Kirsty Damerell.                       damerell@chiark.greenend.org.uk
CUWoCS President.  http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~damerell/   Hail Eris!
|___| That is not dead which can eternal lie,      Vote Cthulhu: why make do
| | | And with strange aeons even death may die.       with the lesser evil?

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