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Re: /opt/ again (was Re: FreeBSD-like approach for Debian? [was: ...])

* Sven LUTHER said:

> > > taken over by most linux distribs these days. on my sun, i have a /opt but no
> > > /usr/local for example.
> > Correct. Linux distros are generally a mixture of SystemV and BSD standards
> > - see the bootup init methods, for one. /opt is a good thing from the SV
> > world, /usr/local is a good thing from BSD. Why not to use both?
> cause they are there for the same thing, so only one is needed ?
Not quite so. /usr/local is for *local* stuff - that is one fully under
control by the local admin. /opt is for optional stuff (yes, it's a
confusing term) which I understand as something that's not in the given
distribution of either commercial or free OS, but isn't also in the realm of
the local admin - for example commercial software packages.


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