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Re: FAQ? (Was: KDE - license issue)

On Thu, Aug 26, 1999 at 10:03:58PM +0100, Edward Betts wrote:
> Cool, I will have a look at them next time I am not the net. What I am really
> asking is, is how would people find those docs? Is there an FAQ for
> debian-devel that people should read before posting to the list? Should there
> be one, what would we put in it? Maybe a summary of the threads that happen
> over and over again? 

Definitely! Although, some of these questions are (answered?) for the
Debian FAQ, so, we should probably file bugs against the doc-debian
package (which includes it).

> Here is my possible list of threads that should be in the
> FAQ:
> * Why not have pentium optimisation?
> * What is wrong with new-maintainers?
> * How about a debian-diff system?
> * I think we should change the layout of the ftp server
> * Why don't we close some bugs?
> * How about improving/fixing the packaging tools?
> * Why is KDE not allowed in main?

While we're at it, here's some more:

 * Why can't I make .deb packages from a nifty X interface?
 * I have a new great configuration management proposal...
 * Why doesn't dpkg like some circular dependencies?
 * Why is my package still in Incoming after 2 year^H^H^H^Hweeks?
 * Why doesn't Debian 'stable' include the latest <insert a just released
   program name>?
 * Every software license but the GPL sucks!
 * subscribe
 * unsubscribe


enJoy -*/\*- don't even try to pronounce my first name

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