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Re: RSA key in GNUPG

Marco d'Itri <md@linux.it> wrote:

>  >Then I switched to PGP 2.6.3in and tried to read this messages.
>  >This program had not problem to verify the plaintext signature,
>  >but when accessing the two encrypted messages, it only gives me
>  >the message "Error: Decrypted plaintext is corrupted." after
>  >asking for the (correct entered) pass phrase.

> You can't encrypt them with a pipe, you have to specify the file
> name on the gpg command line. This is a bug in PGP 2.x.

I don't fully understand.  Where's the bug and how can I work around
it?  I tried to encrypt a file using gpg and my RSA key without a pipe 
but on the command line like this:

gpg --no-options --load-extension rsa --load-extension idea --rfc1991 \
        --cipher-algo idea --digest-algo md5 \
        --keyring /home/roland/.pgp/pubring.pgp \
        --secret-keyring /home/roland/.pgp/secring.pgp --force-v3-sigs \
        --textmode --armor -r roland@spinnaker.de --encrypt testfile 

Then I tried to decode this message using PGP 2:

pgp +LANG=en testfile.asc

And again I get the message "Error: Decrypted plaintext is corrupted."

So I still cannot see how to replace PGP 2 by GnuPG for encryption.



 * roland@spinnaker.de * http://www.spinnaker.de/ *
 PGP: 1024/DD08DD6D   2D E7 CC DE D5 8D 78 BE  3C A0 A4 F1 4B 09 CE AF

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