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application in search of a developer


I've put together an application (shell script, really) that I use
to maintain a local mirror of potato.  It started out simple, but
has evolved into something I think others might be able to use.  I
call it 'apt-move', but I could change that if necessary.

What it does (this is from the manpage I wrote for it):
       apt-move  -  move  cache  of Debian packages into a mirror

       apt-move [-ft] option...

       The apt-move script is used to move a collection of Debian
       package  files into a proper archive hierarchy of the form
       debian/dists/...  It is intended as a tool to help  manage
       the apt-get(8) file cache, but could be configured to work
       with any collection of Debian packages.

       Running apt-move periodically will assist in managing  the
       resulting partial mirror by (optionally) removing obsolete
       packages and creating valid local Packages.gz files  using

Well, that should be enough to at least give you an idea (the whole
thing is 9 pages).  I'll just add here that there it also
(optionally) runs rsync to build a local mirror of all or part of
a Debian binary distribution.  Another option lets you just mirror
the packages you currently have installed on your system.

I'm looking for a developer that would be interested in taking a
look at what I've done, with an eye toward packaging it.

If anybody is interested, e-mail me at mikemerten@yahoo.com.  I'm
subscribed to debian-user, but not to debian-devel.  I don't have
any place to put the package that's publicly accessible, but I'll
be happy to e-mail a copy to anybody that wants one.

Michael Merten  <mikemerten@yahoo.com>
          ---> Debian GNU/Linux Fan -- http://www.debian.org
          ---> CenLA-LUG Founder -- http://www.angelfire.com/la2/cenlalug
"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and
Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods."
     -- Albert Einstein

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