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Re: [gnu.misc.discuss,gnu.emacs.gnus] Free software: Packagers vs Developers

[Sorry this sat for a long time in the unread mail bin... well, what
can I say.  My life seems like mail management, and I'm falling behind.]

Regarding Manoj's treatment of the upstream maintainers and practice
of being a good maintainer, etc, I am quite sure, Manoj, that you have
done your utmost.  One minor point:

Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org> writes:

>         The soon to be released Gnus is a major rewrite, and there are
>  surprises. I used the unstable version to field test teh new version,
>  and it took a couple of releases to work out the new dependencies and
>  conflicts. I still stand by my relese of Pterodactyl Gnus into
>  unstable. 

My issue here is that if the upstream maintainers, licensing
notwithstanding, have expressed the desire to *not* have a certain
version of software in wide distribution, then their wishes should be

Now I'm not saying that they did or did not make this request; I'm
just saying that if they did, IMHO, their request should be respected.

If all you want to do is get the dependancies right and have a few
people test it, then you could upload it to experimental or a private

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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