Re: Intent to package bzflag
At 09:51 AM 8/4/99 -0700, Steven Work wrote:
>3. Redistribution and use of modified source and binary forms are
>permitted provided that at least one of the following conditions are
>B. Use of the modified version is restricted to within the corporation
>or organization that made the modifications.
> A. Modifications are placed in the public domain or are
> made available under this license, or permission to use
> the modifications is granted to the Copyright Holder.
which is sort of what other DFSG licenses (GPL, Artistic) require.
>[...more restrictive terms elided...]
>This is far outside the Debian Free Software Guidelines (and of the
>terms of use for the "Open Source" trademark, which is liberally
>brandished on the program's home page). I'd be surprised if you could
>package the thing without violating its license terms.
>Bad license. Bad license.
I don't think you read it close enough. It looks yet another version of the
One True Free Software License.
David Starner - (alternately
"I would weep, but my tears have been stolen; I would shout, but my voice
has been taken. Thus, I write." - Tragic Poet
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