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Re: [New maintainer] Working for Debian and becoming a registere

On 23-Jul-99 Anthony Towns wrote:

> There're also plenty of other things you can do to help out Debian
> while you're not a maintainer. Answering questions on -user, writing
> documentation, working out patches to some of the open bugs. I can't
> promise anything, but I suspect the person who's willing to throw
> themselves into Debian even without a nifty @debian.org address will be
> looked on in a better light.

I understand what you want to say, I know that probably some people apply for
@debian.org account, but we are underestimating the fact that many wannabe
maintainer start packaging a lot of software because they read documentation
about application that still talks about some weeks and no other obstacles (in
positive sense ;) ). The result is that Debian distro loses packages and
people, because no reply at all frustrates and package that are ready will
become old. 

Christian Surchi                |  Debian GNU/Linux User
csurchi@mclink.it               |  http://www.debian.org
www.firenze.linux.it/~csurchi   |  Linux, the choice of a GNU generation
She sells cshs by the cshore.

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