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Re: [Proposal] Forget PAM, stick with NSS

Le 1999-08-01, Wichert Akkerman écrivait :

> PAM and NSS are very different beasts and complement each other. Let me

True. PAM provides authentication services, while NSS is specialised
in database lookups. On the other hand, while both are simultaneously
useful in some situations, we should be careful not to unnecessarily
duplicating functionality. I am specifically referring to the pam_pwdb
module here, which was essentially NSS replicated as a PAM module.

When authentication requires data that is stored in the NSS databases
(ie /etc/passwd, NIS...), then the authentication services should use
NSS to obtain that data; this is what pam_unix is for. pam_pwdb's
principle of reimplementing these database lookups independently is rather
unfortunate, and IMHO Debian has met a wise decision in sticking with pam_unix
by default.


    Thomas.Quinot@Cuivre.FR.EU.ORG   <URL:http://web.fdn.fr/~tquinot/>

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