Re:[New maintainer] Working for Debian and becoming a registered Debian developer
>>>>> "Raphael" == Raphael Hertzog <> writes:
Raphael> All the future Debian developers interested should also reply
Raphael> ...
I am quite interested. The procedure you propose looks quite
rationale to me (but I am not an expert the Debian procedures
...). Where can I look for a list of orphaned packages, so I can start
to take over one (making sure the one I choose is one I will be able
to take care of).
Thank you,
Inaky Perez Gonzalez -- 8E 34 3A 62 64 99 E2 44 - -- AD 7B 30 D9 DD FF 3E 4C -
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The loneliness of the long distance runner .....
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